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Monday March 3, 2025
Select and Send a MIME file


allows to select an existing MIME file and to mail it to the receivers you want.

This page illustrates through an example the selection and the sending of a MIME file.

1. Selecting the MIME file

The first screen sent by command mmail/sndmime provides you with a list of the "documented" MIME files.
"Documented" MIME files are the ones created via command mmail/crtmime.

Figure 1- Selecting a MIME file

Some comments about this screen.

  1. The first view of the list is by MIME file creation date, descending. This allows to see the most recent MIME files at the top of the list.
    Alternate views are provided by MIME file name, subject and author.
  2. Usually in this list you will find only the MIME files created via command mmail/crtmime. All these files are created in the IFS path /mmail/mime.
    Should however you have some MIME file created in a different way, you may document it by using F6.
  3. If you want to make sure about the contents of a MIME file, select it with a 5 and press Enter to display it.

Select with a 1 the MIME file you want to send and press Enter.

1. Sending the MIME file

You must fill in your name and your e-mail address:

Figure 2- Fill in the sender's data

then you must specify whom the message should be sent to:

Figure 3- Must specify destinations

We press F6 to select some groups (distribution lists):

Figure 4- Selecting groups (distribution lists)

Please note the type of distributions:

  • 1 = To
  • 2 = cc (carbon copy)
  • 3 = bc (blank copy)

Figure 5- Addressees so far

You may also press F7 to select individuals from the Address Book:

Figure 6- Selecting individuals from the Address Book

Figure 7- Addressees so far

When you are finished adding groups and individuals to message distribution, press F10 to send the MIME file.

If you addressed your MIME file to some Groups, you will receive the following screen:

Figure 8- Collapse / expand Groups

  • Select collapse not to expand groups. In this way you would not let the recipients know the names and the e-mail addresses of the other recipientes. This is a good rule to prevent spammimg.
  • Select expand to have all names and addresses from groups displayed to the receivers. Some of the receivers may not like it.

After this, your e-mail is being sent:

Figure 9- Message was sent

3.Send yourself some MIME files
Why don't you try to send some MIME files to your e-mail address? This will provide you some evidence of what you can achieve.
Just press this button.
